NYC Department of Education to End Gifted and Talented Test After 2021
Mayor Bill de Blasio and Chancellor Carranza announced that the Gifted and Talented test will come to an end after this Spring.
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This move is part of de Blasio and Carranza's efforts to further individualize education throughout the NYC school system. The new approach will be made in conjunction with stakeholders and should be announced by September.
What Might Replace Gifted and Talented
“We will spend the next year engaging communities around what kind of programming they would like to see that is more inclusive, enriching, and truly supports the needs of academically advanced and diversely talented students at a more appropriate age,” NYC Department of Education spokeswoman Miranda Barbot said. “We will also engage communities around how best to integrate enriched learning opportunities to more students, so that every student – regardless of a label or a class that they are in – can access rigorous learning that is tailored to their needs and fosters their creativity, passion, and strengths.”
For more information about the Gifted and Talent test and other NYS tests, read The Parent's Guide to New York State Tests.
What are your thoughts on ending the Gifted and Talented tests? Let us know: