About Us
NYMetroParents, the parenting division of Schneps Media, publishes eight regional print magazines around the greater New York City metro region, as well as the website nymetroparents.com.
At Amazing Athletes, we use sports as a catalyst to meet the needs of the whole child through non-competitive, sports-based fitness classes designed to advance each child’s individual motor-skills and inspire future participation in physical activity. Everyone knows that participation in physical activity keeps the body healthy, but few understand that participation in physical activity is actually a critical piece of healthy human development that affects every area of human development. Consistent participation in physical activity, especially when starting from a young age, leads to positive attributes in all 5 areas of development listed above. All of our Amazing Athletes programs are specifically structured and designed to provide our athletes with positive movement experiences that allow them to enjoy sports and fitness while also advancing their motor-skills so that they can confidently pursue any physical activity that interests them in the future.
Depending on the program your athlete is registered for, they will be exposed to up to 10 different sports: Basketball | Football | Soccer | Volleyball | Tennis | Hockey | Golf | Lacrosse | Baseball | Track and Field. Each one of our weekly classes includes the following sections: Cardiovascular Endurance, Stretching & Flexibility, Speed & Agility, Strength & Anatomy, 1-2 Sports + Sport-Specific Skills, Team-Building Activity, Nutritional “Power Food,” and Motor-Skill Challenge.
Amazing Tots is a guided, discovery-based program helping children 18- 2.5 months of age engage in structured physical activity tailored to the developmental needs of toddlers. Each 20-25 minute weekly class encompasses one sports lesson along with a balanced combination of structured physical challenges and organized discovery-based sports lessons. Significant emphasis is placed on motor-development with weekly activities designed to develop the vestibular system and locomotor skills. Imaginative Fitness Activities include Color Recognition, Shape Classification, Letter Identification, and Action Vocabulary Experiences (Over, Under, Around, etc). Research shows that when you link letters, words, sounds, and more to a physical movement, you keep your body active and boost your brain power with better concentration and recall.
Amazing Athletes is the premier year-round developmental physical fitness program empowering children aged 2 ½ to 6 years old to reach developmental milestones at an individual pace. Our action-packed curriculum is endorsed by Early Childhood Expert, Bonnie Bruce who reviews each element of our program to ensure our Amazing Athletes get every possible advantage. Extensive research shows that structured physical activity in children not only promotes better physical health, but also boosts brain power and assists in the development of important social skills and character traits including sharing, empathy, focus, dedication, commitment, and drive. Our non-competitive group classes let children build confidence in a safe and fun environment while also building teamwork and good sportsmanship. Through our structured active play, Amazing Athletes advance 7 key areas of Motor-Development.
The Amazing Athletes P.E. is a non-competitive sports-based cross-training program designed to keep older children active and engaged through advanced physical fitness challenges and interactive sports skills lessons. Individual physical abilities can vary significantly within this age group, so we are careful to make sure each class is still taught with progression. Each Amazing Athletes P.E. class integrates strength training, speed & conditioning, advanced partner-based motor-skill training activities, and team-based endurance challenges.
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