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Child Behavior Consulting, LLC

Serving Nassau, Suffolk and Greater NY Area





Child Behavior Consulting (CBC) specializes in turning, “I can’t” into “I CAN!” when working with children who have ADHD, executive functioning delays, ODD, Learning Difficulties, ASD and strong spirited children. CBC improves social-emotional skills and executive functioning through professional development, author visits to schools and organizations and private parent AND child sessions. Our target age of children we work with are Pre-K – H.S. Through explicit teaching and practicing, adults and children learn to model and apply the skills necessary to self-regulate and remain on task.



The parent AND child educational services incorporate the participation of both individuals (including other family members if so desired) so, they learn to support one another with the strategies and interventions necessary to actively listen, focus and make positive choices.

Child Behavior Consulting addresses concerns related to academic, behavioral and/or social-emotional challenges so children confidently engage in the skills needed to meet with success and learn to believe in themselves! We also work directly with our client’s teachers and service providers to promote communication and consultation bridging the gap between the home and school environments.

Child Behavior Consulting’s educational approach incorporates active learning, collaboration and our original relatable and easy-to-use resources, books, music, visual and verbal prompts and much more.



Lisa Navarra, M.S. in Special Education, SDA, award-winning educator, behavior specialist and published author of children’s books, music and teacher resources provides professional development and individual services teaching the “how to learn” skills for children who struggle learning and self-regulating. She has spoken locally and nationally. Lisa is an active member of CEC, IAIE, LIPAC, LI SELF, LICWI and SCWBI. For more information visit www.ChildBehaviorConsulting.com or email [email protected] to help your students and children turn “I can’t.” into “I CAN!”



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Providing the tools and knowledge necessary in teaching children and adults the cognitive skills to focus and remain calm. We educate how to overcome challenges related to behavior, academic learning, and social-emotional development through specialized techniques including children’s books, music, and visuals. Together, children and adults feel and become empowered!