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Classical Conversations

At Classical Conversations, we challenge students. By expecting more from them, partnering with parents, and using a proven method, we see the fruit of our labor.

As classical, Christian home educators, we should raise the next generation to be intellectual leaders. Liberal arts form the core of our education, helping students to see truth, beauty, and goodness. As God promised, “all these things shall be added unto you” when we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). 

Classical Conversations

A liberal arts student is one with strong thinking and relational skills, one able to succeed in any future endeavour. In a world changing at an unprecedented rate, those with the classical tools and love of learning will be well-suited to honor God and their families, and to be influential in their spheres.

God has hidden His truth and beauty in every subject. It is our pleasure as students and teachers to discover Him as we learn. Our studies should prepare us to reason clearly, speak eloquently, calculate accurately, and write persuasively so that we have the ability to know God and to make God known.

Homeschooling frees you to set the course for your children’s education. Imagine designing an education that prepares your children to know God and to make Him known. Homeschoolers around the world will tell you that a noble purpose brings joy, wonder, and delight to the hard work of learning together. That’s why Classical Conversations provides resources and encouragement to help you take the leap, persevere, and thrive.

Classical Conversations


Classical Conversations communities meet one day per week. You remain the primary educator, tailoring assignments at home to challenge your children in areas of strength or to support them in areas of struggle.

Communities around the world use the same materials in the same sequence. Whether it is an upward career decision, a job relocation, or part of military life, moving is stressful. As a Classical Conversations family, you will have one less thing to worry about: your children’s education. With communities all over the United States and in more than fifteen nations, chances are good that there will be a Classical Conversations community where you are headed. If not, we can help you start one! 

Classical Conversations

“The advantage [of Classical Conversations] is the community of like-minded people coming together

with a goal to build a child to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength.”–April, Challenge parent

K4–12 Curriculum

We provide a complete K4–12 curriculum, so you can homeschool your middle and high school students without worrying about gaps in your transcript. 

Classical Conversations

Our FREE three-day Parent Practicums will encourage you, inspire you, and equip you.

Parent Practicums, our signature event, are free for any parent or interested educator. We offer over five hundred practicums around the globe from May to early August. Moms and dads at all stages of the journey spend three days delving into the philosophy and practicalities of the classical model, as well as digging deeper into a specific subject. Low-cost student camps are available, too, so your entire family can attend.

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