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About Portledge School -

About Portledge School

Since 1965, Portledge School, situated on a beautiful Locust Valley campus, has provided an inclusive, dynamic, and collaborative education from pre-nursery through high school graduation. From its championship athletic teams to its professionally staffed music, theater, and visual arts programs to challenging academics, Portledge offers a welcoming and stimulating environment. The entire Portledge community—faculty, administrators, alumni, parents, and trustees—shares its commitment to ensure that every child participates, belongs, and succeeds.

Portledge School’s Educational Philosophy -

Portledge School’s Educational Philosophy

A Portledge education fosters critical thinking skills, the development of intellectual courage, and a lifelong love of learning—the hallmarks of a truly educated person. A rigorous academic program is offered through small classes with individualized attention. Students are well prepared for admission to highly selective colleges and universities. The rigorous academic program is balanced with competitive athletics, music, visual art, theater, and a wide range of out-of-classroom experiences.

International Baccalaureate -

International Baccalaureate

The mission and philosophy of the IB program complement those of Portledge School in that the basic tenets are to “develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people with adaptable skills to tackle society’s complex challenges and who will help to make it a better, more peaceful world.” IB courses are upper-level classes designed to prepare students for success in college. International Baccalaureate students learn to set goals and reflect on their progress toward them and are encouraged to consider global perspectives and the relevance of class material to the world we live in.

Athletics -


Athletics is an important part of the educational experience at Portledge School. The primary purpose of the Lower School physical education program is to provide an opportunity for the students to reach their personal best. The Middle School program is designed mainly to meet the developmental needs of its participants and to provide an enjoyable experience while students begin to choose their favorite sports. Upper School athletics provides students with further social interaction as well as the ability to better their lifestyle and compete for school pride. Sports teams at Portledge include soccer, tennis, cross country, hockey, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, squash, crew, golf, and lacrosse.

Student Clubs & Activities at Portledge School -

Student Clubs & Activities at Portledge School

A positive school culture improves educational outcomes for students and can have a profound impact on a student's overall success. All of our community members contribute to the creation of our culture, which helps Portledge have a sense of continuity, positive energy, and strong morale. Portledge aligns all non-academic offerings to create a wide range of choices that promote character development, enhance leadership opportunities, and encourage and maximize student participation within every division. Clubs at Portledge School include Drama, Student Council, Math, Mock Trial, Community Service, Gardening, Yearbook, Reading, Chess, Origami, Board Games, and Calligraphy.

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Come experience the magic of Portledge on Nov. 8, pre-nursery-fifth, from 9:30-11am; or Dec. 5, pre-nursey-12th, from 9:30-11am.